Customer Testimonials

It works like a charm , Sauvignon blanc , after two weeks – taste like new ! Amazing product !


Simply Brilliant!!!

Kevin Soss

I have been using Repour now for a couple of months and have had great results. Its super easy to use and seems to be extremely effective. Great product that I would definitely recommend.

Andy Joseph

Just had a drink from a bottle of Pinot that we opened on Saturday and the two glasses I had were as tasty as the first two! So far small sample size but great results with the Repour wine saver. I have already passed out several samples to friends to try after I told them about it.

Michael Jancosek

It’s a tiny sample, but I opened my last bottle of 1997 Ardente Estate Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Espressione. I really wish I could get my paws on another case. Anyway, I had been saving my last bottle for a special occasion and the opening of my cellar was just such an occasion. This was on June 1st. I poured one glass through a Soire and then sealed it with Repour. Today, June 6th, I poured a 2nd glass, also through a Soire. There was no difference between the two glasses. A wonderful wine, once it opens up. I look forward to enjoying this bottle over the next couple of weeks and really testing out Repour. – MedicNYC I have been using Repour now for a couple of months and have had great results. Its super easy to use and seems to be extremely effective. Great product that I would definitely recommend.


Thank you for such a great product, running a great campaign and delivering what you promised. I’ve backed over 80 campaigns and Repour is definitely in my top 5. And it’s great to know we can buy more so easily via Amazon.